Sunday, May 20, 2007

Of Course there's the Isenheim Altarpiece also

Most Amazing

For me, the most amazing of the Bosch images is the picture of ... creation?, the universe?, the world before man? ... that appears on the outside of the panel doors.

One Panel of the Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights


Of course the penultimate altrapiece has got to be the Garden of Earthly Delights.

Source ideas

Juan SANCHEZ COTÁN San Diego Museum, California c. 1600

All kinds of images suggest ways of making ordinary things sacred, such as the hanging vegetables of this Spanish 17th century still life.


The spider is a potent symbol for it makes its universe -- or atleast one might say that everything that happens of importance to the spider takes place on the web. The rest of the world might as well not exist. Hence the spider is a potent symbol for the self. Of course the spider is taken to a larger frame than that: the notion of the spider as a weaver and of sensation as a kind of tapestry makes the spider a symbol for the creation of experience.

more columns

Some of the columns I made in the past have, in their abstractness, characteristics in common with representational images such as this detai from the Garden Fresco of the Villa of Livia.